Saturday, September 22, 2012

Glorious ride to harvard, late summer weather

- composed on phone, please excuse typos

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fresh peaches!

Big hill is done, almost back in mass.
- composed on phone, please excuse typos

Richardson, NH

Pretty much the high point, now its mostly downhill. - 20 miles or so to lunch!

- composed on phone, please excuse typos

First try at 300 km ride

I was up early today to attempt a ride to Vermont and back.  I left the house in the dark at 5:07 and just finished the first 30 miles at about a 14mph pace.   I'm taking a half hour at the nice Harvest grill in Sterling to have breakfast, adjust my clothing now that its warmed up, and get the cue sheet set for the 60 mile leg to Brattleboro.   Lots of climbing ahead.   My return route follows the last two legs of the NER 600 k.    So far these have been familiar roads, but after a few more bites of food I'll be heading into unknown territory, what fun!

- composed on phone, please excuse typos