Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Last ride of the year

Today it was in the high 30s and the roads were dry.   I had planned to ride the old trainer (more on the soon-to-come new trainer later), but it seemed aperfect a chance to head outdoors for one last ride in 2008.   I mean it's cold, and it was windy, but with wool socks, ip amphib bib tights, nike windproof jacket, gore wind gloves, and a hat under my helmet it worked out just fine.

It was fun to be on the road again.   Some impressions ... the first climb up Lowell Street (leaving me weak towards the top, I've paid for 6 weeks off the bike) ... flying over the great new asphalt from Carlisle center down to the river .... the flash of the sunlight off the Concord river from the highpoints of Monument Street (can't see that in the summer) ... my last "time trial" up Strawberry Hill road (9 min omg how slow, but you know it's not just that I've lost my form, the bike has wider tires, a rack, and is rigged with touring bike gears) ... the fun blast down 225 to the far end of Curve St ... the bite of 15 mph gusty winds on my face ... sailing by the Cranberry bogs and standing up in the saddles for sheer joy powering my way up the driveway.  17 miles.  Sweet.

Here's wishing WSB readers a Happy New Year and a great 2009 filled with peace, strong legs, and great rides!

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