Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 1 finished

I'm in San Martino al Cimino, about 3km above Viterbo.    What a ride and what a great day.  I think I totalled about 62 miles, but it took 6 hours ride time which makes the effort about equal to my sping century ride.  The climbs this afternoon were long.   

I did misjudge things a bit at the end, and wound up having to make a very tough climb and arrived here just before dusk.   What happened was that I missed a turn trying to find a better looking hotel, and by the time I realized it then it was better to press on.   I think the new rule for a tour like this is to finish by 4 or 4:30, and if you're stll riding at 5 you have to stop at the first place that can provide lodging and food -- no continuing to see if there's something better just up the road. 

I'm at the Baletti Park hotel in San Martino al Cimino. 3 Michelin houses, 64 Eu including breakfast, not bad.  My legs are a bit wiped, but I just had a Campari and that should help them I think. 

Now to clean up and then I'll go searching for some small osteria or local place. 

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