Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 3 morning

A bit of a sketchy start this morning.  I slipped on the gravel at the bottom of the dirt road from the Locanda and hit the dirt.  I was fine other than a small scrape on the leg, the bike was fine, but the beautiful prince william pear I saved from breakfast squashed in my saddlebag, yuck.

Then, I chose the high road out of Orvietto because of the great view, only to be fogged in.  It was a tough climb to Castel Viscardo too, 52 min to cover 6 miles.

But I had a cappucino and a cornetto con marmaldo di lamponi, the sun has finally come out, and all is well.

I've stopped in a farm field to study my notes and cinsider some options. I'm heading to Aquapendente right now, where I'll take some pizza and make up my mind from there.  If I want to reach Florence tomorrow it means taking the No 2 road a fair bit.  This is a major route with a lot of traffic.  If I give up on florence it looks like I could take a spectacular 11.5 km climb to Abbadia San Salavtore and mess around up in the heights, then reach Chuisi tomorrow for a train.

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