Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finally a gelato

I'm in San Querico d'Orcia, a very pretty little town between Pienza and Montalcino and more prosperous than some of the places in northern Lazio. The bells are ringing the hour, and I'm sitting at a bar on the main street.  My friend Peter just wrote that he and Ellen love this area.   We spent time here before when we lived here, and it's a favorite of ours as well.

The ride up ss2 was fast and fun, but at a certain point another autostrada joined it, and there was more traffic.   I went through a 1km tunnel (and was glad I had blinking front and rear lights to call attention for the motorists). 

It clouded up awhile ago and I felt a few raindrops, but its cleared again.

A fun thing happened a while back, the owner of LB Freedom Tours overtook me and we rode side by side and chatted for 10 min.  He leads cycling tours over here and was impressed that I'm doing this on my own.  My legs felt strong and we were spinning at 20 - 25 together and one climb winded me but I was pleased to see he was even breathing a bit, and that on his carbon bike with no bags.  He's arranging some tours to follow the Giro Italia next year and encouraged me to come. He also said high end bikes are cheaper here, and that I could get a carbon colnago with Campy record components for 2000 Euro.  What do you think Marilyn?  :) Don't worry, not this trip.

Anyway, LB left me to go play in the hills.  I've decided to get off the ss2 and have bookked myself in Asciano at the Borgo Casabianca tonight.  This may compromise my ability to reach Firenze tomorrow, but the weather is worsening and I want the option for Chuisi or Arezzo instead (direct train routes to Rome)

Ok off to the Borgo

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