Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Lots to do today

I leave this afternoon.  I'd like to say that everything is ready, that the bike is in the box, that I have my clothes and suitcases all in place, plans with friends are all made, and that I have total piece of mind.   But, that's just not the case.

Luckily the big things are done:
  • the bike is modified from a road bike to a touring bike, as best as can be done
  • The panniers are loaded.
  • With Marilyn's help I have some gifts for friends I'll be visiting
  • I've thought through my clothes for the trip (strategy is simple, take over very little and buy it there)
  • Work projects are mostly finished up and I've had a final meeting with Doug to plan activities over the next couple of weeks
But, there's lots left to do:

  • Take a final test ride with the fully loaded bike.  For many reasons: seeing how the weight is distributed, getting a sense of my pace with an extra 20 - 25 lbs, spinning the legs to help them recover, and just seeing that the panniers work and that everything is solid
  • Figure out my European comms strategy for this trip and pack up some electronics.
  • Disassemble the bike and package it (I hope to have a pic of this)
  • Wrap the gifts and pack the suitcases.
  • Make a few last business calls and tie up some remaining loose ends.
  • Put in a call or two to Rome to firm up some plans.
There.  I think that's about it.   I have 7 hours.  Ready, Set, Go!

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